Bicycle Bloghouse

Your go-to source for tips and knowledge from our expert bikeologist experts you can trust. All the information you need to learn new skills, choose and maintain your bike gear, get ready for your next ride so you can have more freedom, fitness, and fun.

Freedom, Fitness & Fun

Bike shifting 101

Shifting 101 - A How To Guide on Shifting Bike ...

Shifting the gears on a bicycle can be a daunting task at first, with a lot of numbers and two derailleurs to keep track of. In addition to braking, shifting gears...

Shifting 101 - A How To Guide on Shifting Bike ...

Shifting the gears on a bicycle can be a daunting task at first, with a lot of numbers and two derailleurs to keep track of. In addition to braking, shifting gears...

4 tips for riding on different surfaces and terrains

4 Tips for Mountain Bike Riding on Different Ty...

There are many different types of terrain and surfaces you'll encounter when riding your bike. Here's a few tips on riding technique and how to handle different terrain. Tip #1:...

4 Tips for Mountain Bike Riding on Different Ty...

There are many different types of terrain and surfaces you'll encounter when riding your bike. Here's a few tips on riding technique and how to handle different terrain. Tip #1:...

Top 5 Mountain Bike Maintenance Tips

Top Five Mountain Bike Maintenance Tips

#1 CHECK YOUR TIRE PRESSURE Your tires are porous and will lose pressure over time. Check your tire pressure at least every week (if not every ride). Tire pressure is...

Top Five Mountain Bike Maintenance Tips

#1 CHECK YOUR TIRE PRESSURE Your tires are porous and will lose pressure over time. Check your tire pressure at least every week (if not every ride). Tire pressure is...

The Basics of Mountain Biking First Aid

The Basics of Mountain Biking First Aid

The Basics of Mountain Biking First Aid If you’ve never been there, you will eventually: you’re going to get hurt on a mountain bike. Whether it’s a casual ride along...

The Basics of Mountain Biking First Aid

The Basics of Mountain Biking First Aid If you’ve never been there, you will eventually: you’re going to get hurt on a mountain bike. Whether it’s a casual ride along...

How To Prepare for a Long Bike Ride

How To Prepare for a Long Bike Ride

How to Prepare for a Long Bike Ride Whether you’re going out for a long ride up the canyon, entering a day-long race like Lotoja, or going for something far...

How To Prepare for a Long Bike Ride

How to Prepare for a Long Bike Ride Whether you’re going out for a long ride up the canyon, entering a day-long race like Lotoja, or going for something far...

How to Fix a Flat Bike Tire

How to Fix a Flat Bike Tire

  Mark Helms, from GIANT Bikes, talks about how to properly air up your bike before your ride. Be prepared at the trailhead with a floor pump to make life...

How to Fix a Flat Bike Tire

  Mark Helms, from GIANT Bikes, talks about how to properly air up your bike before your ride. Be prepared at the trailhead with a floor pump to make life...